Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Have You Wonder Why You Must Work?

Dear Readers, it's me again. This time I look and think deep into what I have been doing everyday. It's certainly much much better then studying at some school and coming out with 0 knowledge.

Let's talk about how Singapore school operate. I've been in school almost my entire life (except for 2 years army). Today I see a major problem in how all the old age teachers, well... let's just say they are above 35 years old teachers who are stuck in this digital world where each of them have to carry a laptop around. They just couldn't catch up on learning all the computer terms. I do not doubt their skills but some of them really cannot communicate with the computer like I can't communicate with programming languages.

Let's look at both side. On the first we have the school:

They are trying to get the fastest and best PC for the teachers and HOD to use. Trying to let the students gain knowledge.

Let's look at the other side. The MOE however:

They are trying to stop virus, spyware, malware, security breaches.. etc. They try to restrict what the students and teachers can do on their PCs. They have this TOKEN for teachers and student log in to accounts that are 'restricted'. They put PC Technician to school to help 'restrict' the computers and help troubleshoot.

My Solution:

MOE should alias with the laptop / desktop vendor to come out with a 'cripped OS' for PCs so the only thing you can do on that PC is to just 1.surf net, 2.do spreadsheets, 3.email, 4.er.. what else? MSN is no no for them.

With this solution, PC problem will be cut more then 60%.

As I'm a deep thinker... the PC Technician would be out of job if this happen.

so next time you want road sweeper to keep their job, generously throw litters on the floor so they can sweep it up.

No litters = No job for them.


Riki Wu said...

Then should asked the school to implement high security network on their computer.

Meaning; When students logon using their student ID & password, they can only access to the school's intranet and email accounts.

Likewise for staffs' usage, they can surf the internet as usual, but some sites (w/o valid certificates) will not be allowed.

Therefore, there will be a restriction and barrier in between the school's network and the public network.

zippy said...

A teacher call me say she was doing work on a diskette and suddenly the whole screen blank. I went and found out she nv plug in power.

My friend have to deal with all this rubbish.

Yesterday he install software on all the lab cos the teacher refuse to email HOD what software they need when sch open.

If you go to sec sch, you would realise there is this cafe software which make the computer super lag and also the token which gives a lot of problem + vpn.

When MOE monitor their cafe software in 1hr, it can generate more then 1GB of log files. yes, LOG Files alone. Seriously cripped the network and also make IT a dumb thing to use.

Anonymous said...

Wah... seem like the school's old teachers are getting salary for what they are suppose to do everyday, and that is "Teaching".

Like the old may said; "Learning is a lifetime skill when you grow older and even when you die, you have to learn to die as well."

But they never realise that there are actually something they missed out on the things/stuff around them, and that is upgrading themselves to accomodate the use of IT equipments/stuffs.

ehh... William, then in your school you are teaching, open a class and educate the teachers. Hmm... guess you should talked to the principal about this, else the rest of the teachers might unable to catch up on the latest technology around them.

Am i right? Prof. William Lim...? :)

zippy said...

nowadays teachers are not the same as last time teachers. nowadays teachers just want their pay only.

Some teacher just bcos ppl want to lobang them home they ask the technician to hurry do and run off. The technician do so hard for her and kana this kind of treatment.

We actually have class for those teachers but they one ear in one ear out. some say they can't really know after the lesson.

You must really come see yourself. It's v.power. Sometime technology is a hassle. What paperless sch.. in the end still use toilet paper. lolx

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