Busy Day
Today meet up with my army friend to discuss my resume. I show him all my cert and he was just superb in English writing and editing. Save my resume under the name 'My Awesome CV.doc' lolx.
After that I decided to drop off at orchard road to a optic shop to get my glasses fix. What intially turn out to be a trip just to get a replacement frame become making a ridiculous expensive spec. The spec is damn light weight and the metal can be twisted anyhow without snapping... damn high tech. Cost me near to $300... kaoz.
Went home 'blindly' cos I have to leave my spoil specs for them to take out the lens and transfer to the new specs. I can't see a thing without my spec... had to see people reaction to the bus and I act like kiasu to squeeze in cos it was peak hour. Lucky it was the correct bus.
Put on my kuku old spec and drove to Tampines to sell some stuff. Took the chance to return some flash MX books to my friend. Monday going to friend house to fix PC.. this time its at Jurong ... damn far.
Oh ya... today I was playing with my address book in outlook express and there was this sync button. I press and my address book was filled with tons of extra email address... I deleted all the extras and sync again.. to my horror, my zippy_24hrs account reduce from 100++ ppl to 6 ppl !!!! OMG... had to re-add one by one to my zippy_25hrs. DAMN SIONG.
PPL reading this, pls add me at zippy_25hrs instead of zippy_24hrs. Thank you!